Текст смотрели: 430
Дата добавления: 2017-07-04
Длинна трека: 06:36
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Я жду Тебя, в жизнь мою приди Сердце приготовь и Свой Дух Святой Излей Только миг в Твоих руках И нет ничего, и никого Есть только я и Ты Только слава Твоя Святой, Ты Святой Ты был, Ты есть, и Ты грядешь Иисус, мой Бог Иисус Вечный, Спаситель Стою у ног Твоих Мой великий Господь Святой (Holy) Dm A/C Dm A7/C Im waiting here for my life to change, Bb Gm7 F A When the waters stir you can rearrange me. Dm A/C Dm A7/C Just one touch is all I need, Bb Gm7 Ive nothing much but the wounds I feel, F Asus4 A Im looking for the hand of the miracle man. Dm A/C Dm A7/C Holy, you are holy, Bb Gm7 F A Who was and is and is to come. Holy, you are holy, Saviour, Healer, Im standing at the feet of the miracle maker. Im holding on, with your life in mine, Living waters come, And youve rearranged me. Holy you are holy, Who was and is and is to come. Holy, you are holy, Saviour, healer, Im staring in the face of the miracle maker. BbGm7C/EF D/FGm7,FC/E,CA Em B/D Em B7/D Holy, you are holy, C Am7 G B Who was and is and is to come. Em B/D Em B7/D C Am7 Jesus, precious Jesus, Thank you, Saviour, G B (1) Im walking in the shoes of my miracle maker. (2) Im standing with the faith of a miracle maker
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