Barbara streisand the way we were минус

Волна развлечений предлагает вам ознакомиться с песней и минусовкой The Way We Were OST "Встреча двух сердец" от артиста Barbara Streisand - можно слушать онлайн, петь караоке, скачать в формате mp3, найти текст и слова песни.

Текст смотрели: 370

Дата добавления: 2017-06-23

Длинна трека: 03:30

Рейтинг: 0     Мне нравится     Мне не нравится

СкачатьРазмер файла - 4.78 MB
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Текст песни:

Memories Light the corners of my mind Misty water-colored memories Of the way we were Scattered pictures, Of the smiles we left behind Smiles we gave to one another For the way we were Can it be that it was all so simple then? Or has time re-written every line? If we had the chance to do it all again Tell me, would we? Could we? Memоries, may be beautiful and yet Whats too painful to remember We simply choose to forget So it's the laughter We will remember Whenever we remember... The way we were...

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